What does the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus have to do with the new year? A new year means new beginnings, yes? Jesus is talking with Nicodemus about new beginnings. Being born again is that new beginning that allows us to start over. We are reborn in the Spirit. We are transformed by the grace and forgiveness of God. Look at birth. When a child is born it’s the beginning of life. For us to be born in the Spirit, we first must start at the foot of the cross. At that cross, we see that our old life—that life filled with sin—died with Christ. Then gloriously new life was born at Jesus’ resurrection. All things are new. Like a new year.
When the new year rolls around, we have an opportunity to see things with fresh eyes. Our motivations become renewed. Our heart fills to overflowing with the newness of a new year—a fresh start if you will.
John talks about darkness and light a lot. Nicodemus visited Jesus at night. There are many speculations as to why. Some say he didn’t want any of the Pharisees to see he was meeting with Jesus so came to Him at night. It was most likely because he was in the dark about his own life and was looking for some light.
Photo by Michael Afonso on Unsplash
Nicodemus is a Pharisee—he observed the law to a tee and lost the joy of loving God because he found himself caught up in the rules. A lot of times we think we can earn our way into heaven. Nicodemus found himself in that place. He began by complimenting Jesus for all His miraculous miracles. Jesus told him not to get caught up in the miracles but in God. Jesus told Nicodemus he must be born again and to stop trying to earn his way into God’s graces. This is where that new beginning takes place. Nicodemus was missing out on his life and his relationship with family and friends.
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him will have everlasting life—tells us everything we need to know about God. We see how much God loved the world. His motive is love. We see how much He loves us. We tend to think God is angry with us and makes us go through bad times—not true. Now I ask you. Who would want a God like that?
God sent Jesus into the world not to condemn the world but to save it. Jesus came to free us from the notion that God wants to condemn us. Whosoever believes in him—this invitation is for all—are you a whosoever? I like to think I am. Being a whosoever means God did it all for you. God’s grace is for all. Regardless of our actions, or our political beliefs—God invites you to accept His grace. Accepting His grace is that new beginning—that new year.
Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash
Eternal Life—Jesus told Nicodemus he must turn his life around right now. Not tomorrow but right that instant. What does it mean to be born anew? Can we say the words, “Here I am Lord” and mean it? Be accepting of God’s grace so you can be a blessing to others. Eternal life begins now when we accept God’s grace. Not after we die. It’s too late then.
Yielding to God’s grace allows us to see the possibilities of life—this is the good news that the invitation is there. The new year is already in progress. Where do you stand? Are you a whosoever? Or are you a whosonever? Are you stuck in the old year of 2021 or are you ready to be blessed and to be a blessing in the new year of 2022?
I say…bring it on!
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
And that’s what I learned in Church……see ya next time!