Do I Have Enough…Enough Love?
Ephesians 2:4-10 (NIV)
George Carlin had a take on baseball and how it’s different from any other sport. Now the people who know me well, know just how much I don’t care about sports. Sorry, but it’s just a fact of life. Let me repeat—I DON’T CARE! Now that that’s out of way, let’s talk about Carlin’s take on baseball. He talks about how things are scored. There’s goals or points. But in baseball there’s runs. Then something about how the ball or the object is put in play in other sports by the offensive team. But that in baseball it’s put in play by the defensive team. And how only the defensive team can touch the ball, but if the offensive team touches the ball intentionally that player is out and even if it’s unintentional he’s out. Whatever all that means.
So I really had to read and re-read Carlin’s statements to get that like baseball is different from other sports, so there are differences in Churches. S-T-R-E-T-C-H! Just kidding. There are differences in Churches. Some small some not so small. But, God’s grace is enough. His love, likewise, is enough.
QUESTION: In order for us to get to heaven, what do we need to do?
John Wesley, an Anglican cleric and theologian who is credited with the founding of Methodism compared God’s grace to that of a house. When it comes to grace, there’s Prevenient Grace: The Porch; Justifying Grace: The Door; Sanctifying Grace: The Interior. Wesley states that when we’re experiencing Prevenient Grace, God has actually invited us into His house, but we just can’t seem to get past the porch. We’re stuck there because we haven’t accepted His invitation. Even though the door in right in front of us. Justifying Grace is when we finally respond to the invitation God has extended to us. We can then walk through the door. We’re at that wonderful point when we’re right with God and we have His assurance that all of our sins are forgiven. Now that we’ve experienced Justifying Grace, we can enter the house. We’re now entering into Justifying Grace. There are many rooms inside the house so we have a lot to explore. It’s with Sanctifying Grace we are able to maneuver throughout the house. It guides us. Along with this mobility, we mature in our faith which helps us to live the holy life God wants for us.
Now that we understand the three graces of God, doesn’t it stand to reason that we would want to share God’s grace with the world? The heart of our faith is that God’s love is for all and in all. God shares His grace with us. We are all created in His own image.
How do we envision how God see us and how do we see God? Do we see an angry God or a loving God? As for me, I see a loving God who can, at times, become angry. But it’s always justifiable anger. Sin is a separation from God. God desires a relationship with us.
Let’s face it; Christianity has gotten a bad rap. Our image has been tarnished. God wants to restore our image. Our hearts are restless until we put our trust in Him. God’s nature is to love us. All we need do is to trust. There’s no way to earn God’s love. All we need do is to receive it. God loves us just because.
Ever miss someone so badly that your arms literally ache to hold them close? That’s how God feels toward us. His arms ache to hold us. Imagine what it might mean to accept that kind of love. What kind of impact would it have on the world?
This is my family the last time we were all together. We had the best time ever. These are the people who mean the most in life to me. Those, who, when away cause my arms to ache to hold them. Those I miss the most when time and space separate us. I wonder sometimes, is my love enough? Do I have enough love? I’d like to think I do.
My sweet friend, Lynda, passed away not too long ago. I miss her terribly. She was not only a precious friend, but a fellow author. We did a lot of fun things together. Like going to author events and seminars. Meeting some wonderful people. Then the evil, cancer, crept in when no one was looking and stole my dear friend’s life. But not without a fight. Lynda fought to the very end. What an inspiration she was to all she met. She touched our hearts like no other. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Her favorite Bible verse and oh so true.
She wrote book entitled, How Much Love is in One Mommy? It fits so well with this blog about enough love. The love inside one Mommy for her little girl and the love inside that same Mommy for the life she carries is enough love to touch both.
The last time I visited with Lynda we talked about all the things we’d done together and how much we loved writing. We talked about our grandchildren and our children. How very blessed we were to have them all in our life. How God brought us together. The way he knew how important we’d be to each other, even before we met. How much love is in one mommy? Enough. I promise. How much love is in one friend? Enough. I promise.
But Lynda lives on in my heart and my memories. The fun times, and the last time.
It’s a sad life for those who don’t know the Lord in my humble opinion. Not knowing where to turn when bad things happen. The emptiness of finding ourselves at the bottom of a hole we can’t climb out of. Reaching for a light just out of our grasp. Wondering if anyone out there even cares to offer a little fraction of help. Or asking ourselves if we remember how to love. There is a love that’s truly enough—God’s love. Reach for it.