Bible study blog–God Has Work For Us To Do. Being under construction is difficult at best. All the mess, all the working around, all the cleanup afterwards. While you’re going through it, you think it’s just not worth all this trouble and you get frustrated. It can be a crazy time. I know when we were simply putting down all new flooring in our house, I thought, “Get me out of here!” Moving things from room to room, furniture stacked on top of each other, going up and down the stairs. It seemed like a nightmare.
You know it’s like those home improvement shows where people are constantly talking about blowing out walls? Makes me very nervous. Well, anyway, Paul wrote the Book of Ephesians while in prison in Rome. This was his first Roman imprisonment. It was a letter to the Ephesians that he sent by way of Tychicus who was accompanied by Onesimus. He wrote it as an encouragement to believers, telling them that even during their darkest times and even in the very midst of persecution, they should be faithful followers of Christ. Paul encouraged them to serve as one together and to love those who treated them badly. Man, that’s super hard to do.
There’s a song titled I Believe by Mark A. Miller. It talks about believing in God even when God is silent. I think that’s the hardest of all and I’m not ashamed to admit that. We’re kind of an “I need to see and hear it to believe it” sort of people. That’s what makes faith so special. But sometimes when we pray and it doesn’t seem like God is listening because we don’t see an immediate result or when He’s silent, well, that stretches the faith thing.
Here’s the good news. Jesus came to knock down walls. The work of Christ is for the Church to serve, welcome, and love people. Congregations need to knock down walls that separate us from each other. Walls of hostility. Walls of hate. Walls of division from God and other people. These are the walls that need to be blown out, bringing us together through reconciliation.
The veil of the temple was the final barrier. It was a thick curtain that separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place and only the high priests were allowed to enter through the veil. It was a divider—a barrier between man and God. If you’ll remember, the death of Jesus changed everything. Especially the veil. Because when Jesus died on the cross that veil was torn in half from its very top to its very bottom. It exposed what was behind the walls. God was there. And God is always there to knock down the walls that divide us. God brings us together as fellow citizens.
If we can agree that God is the cornerstone, then we as a Church can be as God wants us to be—brothers and sisters in Christ. I like that. So, yes, there is still work for us to do because we’re just not there yet. Paul wanted for the Ephesians what God wants for us. He wants us to love one another and work for the good stuff. He wants us not to be strangers to one another.
Haylie is a hugger and a kisser—dogs, ducks, toys, cousins, aunts, friends, and of course her mommy.
Now it might seem awkward for us adults to just hug and smooch at will. But here’s the thing, Haylie doesn’t think so, and she’s one happy individual. Full of love, and hugs, and smooches for all she encounters.
She’s a lover of life and pizza.
She welcomes you with open arms and never lets a wall divide her from the world.
Indeed, God has work for us to do. I’m sure if we ask Haylie, she’ll show us how to do it. What say you?
And that’s what I learned in Church……see ya next time!